Ventura County Chinese American Association
We Build Cultural Bridges!
2023 Scholarship Winners
We congratulate our 2023 scholarship winners.
Sydney Ma
Tony Chen Academic Scholarship
Jayme Smarinsky
Lena Lee Ho Scholarship
Geraldine Cabanban
VCCAA Scholarship
Elisandra Hernandez
Doreen Smith Scholarship

The Ventura County Chinese-American Association (VCCAA) was organized in 1970 and chartered as a non-profit organization in 1976.
The Association’s objectives are to preserve the Chinese cultural heritage, language and customs. It promotes participation in education, business and government as Chinese Americans, so as to foster constructive citizenship, improve general well-being and cultivate an appreciation of their dual heritage.
The Board meets at 7:30 pm on the third Monday of every month at the SureStay Hotel by Best Western, located at 295 E. Daily Drive in Camarillo. All members are welcome to attend. Please contact any board member for further information.
The Ventura County Chinese American Historical Society (VCCAHS) was formed in 2000. The mission of VCCAHS is to perform original research, preserve, publish and teach the history and experiences of Chinese Americans in Ventura County. VCCAHS also coordinates with city, county and state government offices and officials in matters relating to the preservation and recognition of Chinese American heritage. We completed the documentary “Courage and Contribution: the Chinese Americans in Ventura County” which is available on You-Tube. In collaboration with the City of Ventura, VCCAHS was instrumental in erecting the China Alley Memorial Mural in downtown San Buenaventura. Our historian, Linda Bentz, together with Dr. William Gow have coauthored the first book devoted to the history of Chinese American in Ventura County – “Hidden Lives – a century of Chinese Americans in Ventura County” which was published in 2012. In 2016, VCCAHS organized a commemoration dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the election of William Soo Hoo as the mayor of Oxnard. Mayor Soo Hoo was the first mayor of Chinese heritage in California. For more information, please visit our website at www.vccahs.org or contact Dr. George Yu at (805) 987-8937.

monthly meeting
The Board meets at 7:30 pm on the third Monday of every month at the SureStay By Best Western Camarillo, located at 265 Daily Drive in Camarillo. Thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lu for generously donating the use of their facility! All members are welcome to attend. Please contact any board member for further information.